30 common issues faced by women and 10 by men

3 min readJun 1, 2021

These are the ones that I can count on top of my head. And this list can probably be double its size.

When I say common, 80% of them are everyday issues one struggle with. Men and women have many goals to achieve and many fears to overcome.

However, in the pursuit of these goals, women deal with many life threatening issues than men everyday, even to just live, if not to achieve.

I do not have advice to give to anyone , other than two to women. Not all of us may have the fortunes to spend time and money, to fight for justice or better mental health care. So, prevention is better than cure. Allow yourselves to be selfish and allow yourselves to do mistakes and not be guilty.

Issues faced by women:

1. Cat calling

2. Men staring up & down threateningly & in a sexually aggressive way

3. Stalking

4. Acid attacks

5. Rape & murder by strangers in less populated places & during night times

6. Marital rape & murder

7. Rape & murder by close family members or friends

8. Gang rape & murder

9. Victim blaming/she is asking for it

10. Domestic abuse

11. Gender based compensation discrimination

12. Gender based education discrimination

13. Gender based opportunities discrimination/Underrepresentation

14. Work place sexual harassments

15. Work place alienation

16. Should not act like a boss even when she is one, for good business results

17. Tend to kids, do household chores and to work as much as any other employee

18. Single mom shame or not choosing motherhood shame

19. Being caring means submissive or weak shame

20. Casting couch

21. Being told to smile more

22. Being told to talk less

23. Being advised to not wear revealing clothes to avoid attracting men’s wrath

24. Body shaming — don’t be fat, don’t be thin, maintain perfect body shape & dimensions

25. What to wear and cultural customs to follow — men designed religious rules

26. Female infanticide

27. Affairs by partners especially with younger women

28. Life exist until 30, after that she needs to lose identity & become a mom

29. Menopause health problems

30. Period pains and weakness

31. Misogyny and objectification

32. Honor killings

33. Insensitive people who do not understand that women face more discrimination and life threatening problems than men

34. Associated with either good luck or bad luck for the man

Issues faced by men:

1. Face work place humiliation & indignity by bosses and has to remain in the job for the sake of his family

2. Have to be a major earner in family else he is a loser, as his female partner could earn more

3. Learn to lead and show strength, even when he needed emotional support to heal from his loss

4. Face false accusations of sexual crimes

5. Distrust from women, even when he is trying to help

6. Come forward to stop violent public place attacks at the risk of his own safety

7. Mandatory to sign up for military in crisis situations

8. Have to be knowledgeable at mechanics, sports, cars, politics etc., whether he has interest or not

9. Cannot stand up to disgusting men even when they want to, because those men can attack their closed ones

10. Losing child custody & alimony cases

11. Affairs by partners especially with rich or more handsome men

